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The Parent-Teachers Association is an active arm of BCA.  The mission of the PTA is to collaborate with teachers, administrators, and the community to provide an enriched educational experience for students, and raise funds to establish and support school programs.  Every year parents participate in the electoral process to choose a president, secretary, and treasurer as executive officers of the PTA.




  • President presides over PTA meetings as well as meets with executives to plan agendas and programs for PTA meetings and school.

  • Secretary records minutes of meetings, keeps database of members and attendance at PTA meetings; participates in executive meetings.

  • Treasurer Keeps a record of all dues and the flow of funds; participates in executive meetings.



  • PTA meetings are held every third Wednesday at 6:30 pm.



  • Dues are $10.00 per family per year

Battalion Christian Academy © 2022

  • Facebook - White Circle

661 Linden Boulevard
Brooklyn, NY 11203

Phone: 718-774-5447 ext. 202

Fax: 718-774-4295

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